Preschool Classes
Our Preschool classes are for children ages 2 years or older at the time of start. Students must also be toilet-trained.
Our Preschool Classes focus on play-based learning. This style of learning concentrates on socialization, helping children develop good listening skills, fostering a cooperative sharing attitude, and nurturing self-esteem.
We also support large and small motor skills development. Classes provide exposure to language, music, movement, art, and science exploration. We introduce colors, shapes, numbers, sequencing, and the alphabet throughout the year.
PreKindergarten Classes
Our PreKindergarten Classes aim to nurture socially adept, confident, independent learners ready for Kindergarten and beyond.
Our program introduces phonics, handwriting basics, reading readiness and number concepts. We offer activities in math, science, language and the arts. Students are able to explore topics through hands-on, project-oriented activities, both individually and in groups. Group projects allow students to practice cooperation and self-expression with their peers.